Learn more about BlackHills Camp

With tired hands and worn out knees, old Free Methodist leaders from across the area followed a vision. They set out to raise four walls that would change countless hearts. Their cry was “Holiness Unto the Lord!” With tears in their eyes, they watched their children and their children’s children humble themselves in the same building at the same altar. A foundation has been laid; it’s up to us to move forward together. Hard work, devotion, and the faithfulness that runs generations deep – that’s our story. It wasn’t just the building of a building; it is the building of lives!

Our Beliefs

BlackHills Camp is affiliated with the Harvest Conference of the Free Methodist Church USA. See what we believe about God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, the Scriptures, Humankind, Salvation, the Church, and Last Things. The decisions we make as a camp are guided by these beliefs.

Our Leadership

The business and decision making of the camp is conducted by our Camp Council. Members of Camp Council serve 2-year terms and are elected each year at our annual Camp Association meeting.

Our Location

BlackHills Camp is a smaller, rustic Free Methodist camp in the mountains of West Virginia. Our camp is located in Taylor County on Rt. 119 between Morgantown (West Virginia University) and Grafton, WV.